The better half and I like to have a monthly Friday night pizza, lasagna or other type of get together with the family that's available. Last night Netty went all gangster master chef and whipped up the filling for a 12 lb. monster of pasta. It was a ball to make a mess of the kitchen after dinner and smell the amazing aroma filling the house
Kodiak's Cave
Life in Upstate New York
Friday, March 31, 2023
Lasagna Night!
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
How to have a Happy and sane Thanksgiving
Tomorrow is a day to give thanks and to share with friends and family. It would be nice and it is rare that family and friends are one in the same. Just to keep the peace for the day I've got some top ten suggestions of things that probably shouldn't be brought to bear (pun intended)or attempted....
10. Politics-NOOOOOOO...You might as well pull the pin on a grenade.....
9. Peoples appearance to include: clothing, hair (cut or color), piercings, tattoos.
8. Discussing genders, pronouns or woke bullshit...
7. Don't make fun of vegetarians. Remember they are a disadvantaged group.
6. No stupid Tik Toc attempts at Thanksgiving pranks
5. Do not attempt to assist in the kitchen unless it is your kitchen. The turkey won't be the only thing getting carved.
4. Whether or not the turkey was "organic" or "free range".
3. Have all phones checked at the door, like in the old west when you had to check your gun. This way there will be no photo evidence of gluttony, intoxication or explaining to your friends how that picture ended up on Facebook.
2. Don't count the buns or assign a limit on them, Good lord it's thanksgiving.
1. Never ever dis the gravy or taters and lord help us, complain because you don't like the kind of stuffing I made. It is the best, I say so, and I'm the one packing heat.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Success!! Trout dinner on the first day!!
I forgot to do an update on my April 1st trout hunt. Went to my favorite stream and found no one else anywhere near the place. Years past there was always other fishermen around. Seems like people just don't hunt and fish like they used to anymore. Kinda sad, there is so much beauty out on the stream. Kingfishers, Eagles, various ducks and other birds, a beaver and I even found some trout!!!
Caught an 18" brown first. Then I hooked it's twin and lost it at the bank, no big deal as I usually put that size right back to fight another day. I caught a 16" and then the 14" fish below that I kept because he was gut hooked and bleeding. Awesome dinner that night.
Saturday, March 26, 2022
It's just about 6 days until the opening of trout season. If you're fishing in New York you'll find some new regulations. Looks like the streams are not too high but it will be a bit nippy out there. Wouldn't be the first time I had ice build up in the rod guides. Below is an East Branch Delaware creek Brown Trout. I caught him years ago and he is my personal best Brownie ever. The creel is an antique I got back in the '70s and finally the plastic buckle holding the shoulder strap broke. I called L.L. Bean to see if I could get another buckle and sent them a picture of the creel. The young lady who was on the phone with me saw the pic and said the creel was older than her...Geeezzz thanks... I finally got the hardware online but Bean sent me a brand new creel and I didn't expect that...Really great of them.
Hey, get your line tight!