It's just about 6 days until the opening of trout season. If you're fishing in New York you'll find some new regulations. Looks like the streams are not too high but it will be a bit nippy out there. Wouldn't be the first time I had ice build up in the rod guides. Below is an East Branch Delaware creek Brown Trout. I caught him years ago and he is my personal best Brownie ever. The creel is an antique I got back in the '70s and finally the plastic buckle holding the shoulder strap broke. I called L.L. Bean to see if I could get another buckle and sent them a picture of the creel. The young lady who was on the phone with me saw the pic and said the creel was older than her...Geeezzz thanks... I finally got the hardware online but Bean sent me a brand new creel and I didn't expect that...Really great of them.
Hey, get your line tight!
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