Thursday, November 17, 2016

It's time to flush the colleges...

Heya, it's the Bear...I'm sitting here trying to figure out how we ever got so many out-of-touch leftists teaching in our colleges. Even worse, how are they staying fiscally afloat teaching crap that is just out of touch with reality. It's amazing that the people that preach tolerance are the most intolerant; even worse they're shaping the minds attending their universities. Well, from what I see the shaping can't be too hard with the mush for brains I see on cable out protesting a legal Presidential election....

I'll be the first to defend your right to protest peacefully, but I do believe that it's time to take these professional rioters to task and put them where they belong. JAIL. As for these whiny, crying and rocking in the shower wusses that call themselves students and professors, they need to man/woman up and get their heads out of their derrieres. Your parents didn't do you a favor letting you think you were infallible and then wasting their hard-earned money on your trip to nirvana. If it were my college there would be a lot of openings in the student body and staff.

Just a reality check here: Life isn't fair; somebody wins and somebody loses everyday and the best you can do is to get over the idea that if you didn't win somebody else cheated. I can't believe that sniveling drivel written for today's local rags. I was reading the timesunion (read timesuseless) and fell across some blogger ready to commit hari-kari over the Trump triumph. Wow...what whacks they let write for them. What's worse is that somebody has to live with that.....EEEEEK...

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